Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hey Family!

Just wanted to7j write yo5uu, and let yok2elr1u knooww5t68vw, ho1xbtgiuw the degree pro9ugram I tried ow5elut went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with noxpf7 study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah moujgissm, I knoel23rakpw yotelelhku and Dad dop9hkzubted it at first, but this turned oyt0c82h1ut tog4sdv be %100 legit. This oj2odjjppot24jq6rtunity was given to744xq1n8 me because ohcf the prosm82el4gwfessio2gnal experience and previo2ki8m97nus co8yw8yfkurse wogaaxbrk I had accumulated.

I'm soi828 excited moelrb8m and dad, this was a life altering ojs3p2ym9ppogbmiprtunity & fob6qarn0r o5oscnce in my life I tott9twtbio8w3wnbk advantage osnf it.

I already have jooj52bs, that wowftih0uldn't have given me a chance befoa6hcukwwre, nobg32qh36w they are calling oof1cff the hodp0zsogtoxa17gk! This really is a goj4p3dsend.

Tell Susan and Coaaws9zgusin Jopnf2j5hey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the oas0ther day.

Again these are the degrees they oxyppn5uwffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number toxzf94r83 call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them toj0 leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening phoel93ane numbers. They will coqhzntact yoz56n98u sojph0elbo5ut9n after,

Anyway, much lo95bn59m1ve, and tell the rest oynmjac1gf the family I said hellootjb5283

Yomdmkpsur sohel4gn,


Mot1jxps69m, why doz2n't yo5bdt7uu send this email tosdn3bd2 a few ocmxqdsg5f yoism6zur friends? My pro1dwfessocnb1r tooc6cld me that if we send o4qc6mx1ver referrals the schotupnqkor5320sl can give us a schonujlarship.

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