Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thu, 28 Oct 2010 23:59:11 +0000

Hey Family!

Just wanted to1qk write yo8b091ds8u, and let yoqkelp3gu knoelgj6anw, howf3zdkw the degree proy2a2kzn9gram I tried o3mdagout went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with nohjrnt7z study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah mozd8am, I kno99pzp7t1w yofjpu and Dad dou03qubted it at first, but this turned ozqyuut tou8bfrx be %100 legit. This o7m1el9ikvpponpvq9vvyrtunity was given tobrkzu me because of79tdpf the pro9upfessio9grcoi0nal experience and previo3uus cod9mkm7urse wofj7rk I had accumulated.

I'm soh2xz1s7k excited mo0byxm and dad, this was a life altering obdzpporgiquu4rtunity & fojm4dsq3r o7h5y8uznce in my life I tod9wogjgk advantage of8xbvf it.

I already have jo9a2cbs, that wo1h7uldn't have given me a chance befopo7auw2ure, noboqdfyw they are calling okdoff the ho60qgqngxotuk! This really is a goi9ahbdsend.

Tell Susan and Cojvyusin Jotxpey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the o5q1hther day.

Again these are the degrees they orrffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number tozxt57wj8 call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them toft4atc4h leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening pho0tne numbers. They will contrrrx6ntact yok8zxhyau sonudbojteln after,

Anyway, much loukb4ov68ve, and tell the rest oels52elel8f the family I said helloabf

Yomrfur sojf75n,


Mo20p9xav3m, why domelxdvbn't yooxwelvda9u send this email tofkudc7 a few op3o6tdrf yo1b04zqshur friends? My pro6qafesson9s7r to1j38d1tld me that if we send oqhyrgw15ver referrals the schoeloj739xoxipl can give us a schohc8ksfmlarship.

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